Tyler: Model-005 is a 3D action-platformer and exploration game
set in the 1950s where you control a spunky miniature robot
named Tyler. Many years after being shut down Tyler is accidentally powered up during the height of a
thunderstorm, you set off with Tyler to discover why your
creator is missing and what has happened to your home,
which is now overrun with robot-sized rats,
wasps, and more.
But stairs aren’t your only obstacles. Different enemies will stand in the way of your goal. While ants and rats may not be the smartest creatures, being swarmed by hordes of them will make life difficult. Luckily, you and Tyler are equipped with a variety of different weapons, from your trusty bolt blade to boxing gloves, spiked bat, sticks! Cherry bombs! All of it will allow you to carve your way through the pests that have infested your home while your creator has been missing. Tyler’s relying on your help, so use every tool you discover to find the right combination for you.
Size plays a huge part Tyler: Model- 005. As Tyler, you area minuscule machine. Pencils and coffee mugs can become weapons. Chairs, stairs, and bookshelves are obstacles to your progress - things that are normal take on a completely new dimension in Tyler’s world. Even if you simply want to explore, all the 1950s environments are handcrafted to include a variety of puzzles, collectibles, and climbable. Details are important to breathe life into a game, and, as Tyler, it’s your role to find out as much as you can.
With his ability to time travel, Tyler is able to discover and wear a huge assortment of diverse outfits. Anything from medieval helmets to pixelated eyeglasses is possible, and you can see a large number of these in our trailer and throughout the GIFs on this Kickstarter. As a special gift for anyone that opts to back a tier level that includes a digital copy, we’re going to give you an exclusive “American Slasher” skin, which you can see below. It’s totally appropriate for Halloween! Other Kickstarter tiers also include additional customization options, allowing you to outfit Tyler however you’d like.

About Tyler: Model 005

While static images are great, we also wanted to give you an even more in-depth look at some of the customization options available to you, so we’ve utilized SketchFab - the online 3D model viewer - to create embeddable art for you to look at. Below you’ll find several of our different in-game outfits. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.


"We could all do with a few more cute robots in our lives. Robots, after all, are the greatest thing ever, and stories where little lost robots try to track down their absentee creators, even moreso. It's like a metaphor for broken childhood, but with a rusty aftertaste.
That's where Tyler: Model-005 comes in, a recently-launched Kickstarter project about a brave little toaster that could, if said toaster were a tiny, foul-mouthed robot obsessed with cosplay. Set in a sort of quasi-alternate-1950s, this 3D platformer sees you scaling household and underground environments in search of your missing progenitor, and looking shiny while doing so. Look at this little fire hazard:

"Tyler: Model 005 represents the next generation of 3D puzzlers"
"Hitting up Kickstarter this week is Tyler, a little robot friend after $20k to be made into a real game. Tyler: Moder-005 is all about running around collecting items, jumping between ledges and everything else you’d expect from a 3D indie platformer. You’re super-tiny, so levels are built around ordinary objects from a new perspective and the 1950s setting make that a bit weirder than normal. Have a look at the Kickstarter trailer below."
"When Tyler Model 005, a spunky miniature robot, is unexpectedly powered up during a thunderstorm after many years of hibernation, he is thrust into an unfamiliar world in which he must embark on the biggest adventure of his synthetic existence.
Your mission? Find your creator and try to piece together what has happened to your home and why the master is, now, nowhere to be seen. The player must lead Tyler through one of the most incredibly visceral environments ever seen on Steam"

"Tyler: Model 005 will be a force to be reckoned with on the Indie market."

"Tyler: Model-005 is a breath of fresh air."
Tyler: Model 005 reminds me of a steampunk Little Big Planet full of parkour. The game play is just challenging enough that I never got completely discouraged. I wanted to continue on to see where the story would go. The customization options for the wee little robot keeps the game interesting and leaves room for additional content to be added later.
Tyler: Model 005 reminds me of a steampunk Little Big Planet full of parkour. The game play is just challenging enough that I never got completely discouraged. I wanted to continue on to see where the story would go. The customization options for the wee little robot keeps the game interesting and leaves room for additional content to be added later.